These are the true stories of individuals who were impacted by the work of the winning organizations.

Client: The Atlantic
Directed by: Edgar Ferrer & Guille Comín
Producer: Edgar Ferrer
Creative Direction: Guille Comín
Art Direction: Elda Broglio
Art Production Coordinator: Paola Ovejeros
Storyboard: Guille Comin
Illustration: Elda Broglio, Cynthia Alonso, Juan Martin Ayerbe, Eugenia Mello.
Cel Animation: Guille Comín, Mette Ilene Holmriis, Anne-Lou Erambert, Dante Zaballa, Leo Campasso.
2D/3D Animation: Edgar Ferrer
Clean Up: Macarena Ortega, Núria Just, Rafel Andrade, Mette Ilene Holmriis, Guille Comín
Compositing: Edgar Ferrer, Guille Comín
Script: The Atlantic
Music & Sound Design: Aimar Molero